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Understanding Legal Cannabis Reform in Malta

Where To Buy Cannabis in Malta. Malta is the first European nation to officially legalize recreational cannabis use. But just how does Malta’s new weed law work? What does it allow, and what does it still prohibit? Read on to find out. BUY CBD Oil

In December 2021, Malta became the first European nation to legalize the recreational use of cannabis.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at Legal Notice 478, which exercises Malta’s 2021 Authority on the Responsible Use of Cannabis Act. We’ll teach you exactly what the act allows, what it doesn’t, some key events that led to its acceptance by President Vella and a majority of Maltese MPs, and the impact it might have on the legalisation movement across Europe. BUY EDIBLES

Is Cannabis Legal in Malta?

Where To Buy Cannabis in Malta. The recreational use of cannabis is completely legal for adults 18 years and over. However, purchasing Cannabis still proves to be a challenge because of the present restrictions set in place by authorities which prohibit the open sale of Cannabis. The black market Cannabis trade is still strongly prevalent, and although you might think you’re getting a good deal on the street, it is never a wise idea nor safe to purchase anything from the unregulated black market. Scams relating to the sale of Cannabis are quite common and usually are targeted towards visiting tourists. Therefore we strongly advise against trying to source Cannabis illegally ESPECIALLY as a tourist. COOKIES

So how do you legally buy Cannabis in Malta?

Very high THC products with content over 2000ppm (parts per million) can never be retailed legally. These products will only be available to Maltese residents after a cumbersome legal registration process. BUY HASH ONLINE  On the other hand products falling under the legal definition ‘cannabinoid products’ can be openly sold from shops or through E-commerce Cannabis stores like ‘Aromatic Buds Cannabis Shop‘ to all adults 18+ including tourists. Buy DMT Vape EU

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